...If only they would!

I've been bowling on and off for over 20 years, more off than on. I have bowled on a league for the last 5 years. With their help, my average is now over 180 (from under 100).

I prefer 5-pin bowling, but I have tried 10-pin. My last 10-pin score was about 115. My highest single 5-pin game has been 311, and my highest triple, 823.

I've made a lot of friends during my years on a league. It's a great way to get some exercise (especially stretching exercises), socialize with new friends and still be sober. Two hours at a bowling alley works out to cheaper than taking the family to the movies, or going to a bar.

I've found a website for Saskatchewan Bowling at www.bowling.sk.ca.It's a good place to start for local information. Other sites are:





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